
Using the  study area buttons below find detailed information about the courses being offered. 
If you have questions about any of the courses please contact Academic Services.

Study Areas


Christian Ministry

  • CM 101 Foundations of Church Ministry

    An introduction to the ministry of the church in all of its functions: worship, equipping, fellowship, and evangelism. The course includes a study of the structure, leadership, and objectives of the various ministries of the church with special attention given to the role of the laity in all aspects of church ministry.

  • CM 105 Perspectives in Mission

    An introduction to interdisciplinary perspectives on Christian mission. This course introduces the biblical foundations of mission, provides an overview of mission history, examines some of the challenges that flow from the cross-cultural nature of this task, and considers aspects of current thinking on mission strategy.

  • CM 204 Evangelism and Discipleship

    This course explores the biblical and theoretical understandings and approaches to evangelism and discipleship. Students will develop practical strategies for sharing their faith and discipling others.

  • CM 301 Pastoral Practices

    This course will explore issues in practical theology, and initiate students into awareness of the crucial theoretical and practical considerations that arise when conducting the key church practices, including baptisms, communion, weddings, funerals, visitation, child dedication, healing, worship, etc.

  • CM 312 Spiritual Formation in Ministry

    This course will explore the central place of spiritual intentionality and growing intimacy with Christ as the basis for effective life and ministry. It will focus on personal spiritual practices for ministry practitioners, on the relationship between classroom learning and practical ministry, and on the formation of a rule of life.

  • CM 341 Ministry Management Skills: Walking the Narrow Way Together

    This course will consider the biblical and theological models and understandings that undergird crucial ministry skills such as budgeting/stewardship, developing an annual church calendar, the development of ministries and lay leadership, and the resolution of polarities.

  • CM 351 Volunteers, Teams, and Groups: Empowering the Saint

    This course will consider the biblical and theological foundations that inform the dynamics of teams and groups. Topics to be considered may include the recruitment of volunteers, the reproduction of successful ministries, the building of systems and policies that govern them, and the case of those in volunteer and other roles. Special attention will be given to small groups theory and practice and the multiplication of leaders.

  • CM 393 Specialized Study

    Offered occasionally to provide in-depth study in a topic in Christian Ministry not covered in regularly scheduled courses.

    Prerequisite: 6 credit hours of Christian Ministry

  • CM 405 Current Issues in Mission

    An examination of current issues in the church's mission, including the nature and significance of recent calls for incarnational mission and contextualization as well as the implications of the fact that Christianity's center of gravity is increasingly in the South and East rather than in the North and West.

    Prerequisite: CM 105 Perspectives in Mission

  • CM 439 Christian Ministry Internship

    This internship provides a practical, supervised experience in the tasks, attitudes, and skills necessary for Christian ministry. The student may choose a ministry venue that best fits with his/her primary Christian Ministry degree focus.

    Note: The B.A. in Christian Ministry degree requires the completion of a degree-specific internship. All internships need to be approved in advance by the appropriate program coordinator.

    Prerequisite: The internship is offered to college students who have completed 60 credit hours or more and have been accepted into the degree program.

  • CM 445 Strategic Ministry Organization: The Body of Christ

    This course will consider the biblical and theological models and understandings that inform church structures, visioning, and strategy implementation, listening and communication, management through change, and the life cycle of church ministries.

  • CM 451 Christian Ministry Internship I

    An extended internship under the direction of a church or parachurch mentor designed to provide practical experience and guidance in the tasks, attitudes, and skills necessary for Christian ministry. The student may choose a ministry venue that best fits with his/her primary degree focus. All internships need to be approved by the appropriate program coordinator. The internship is offered to college students who have completed 60 credit hours or more and have been accepted into the degree program.

    Prerequisite: The completion of 60 credit hours of study, approval by program coordinator, and acceptance into the BA Christian Ministry program.

  • CM 452 Christian Ministry Internship II

    A continuation of CM 451 Christian Ministry Internship I, which provides further internship experience under the direction of a church or parachurch mentor as approved by the program coordinator. Students will further develop competencies related to their primary degree focus through action-reflection learning, culminating in a final internship reflection paper.

    Prerequisite: The completion of 60 credit hours of study, completion of Christian Ministry Internship CM 451, approved by program coordinator, and acceptance into the BA Christian Ministry program.

  • CM 461 Issues in Ministry Leadership

    This course specializes in dealing with issues that are commonly encountered by a pastor (such as power struggles, change, and church discipline). There is extensive use of case studies in the exploration of issues.

  • CM 481 Heart of Canadian Methodism

    An examination of the historical roots and contemporary presence of the Methodist church and the Wesleyan tradition in Canada. This course may be offered as part of the ordination requirements of the Free Methodist Church in Canada.

    Prerequisite: The completion of 60 credit hours of study or permission of the instructor

  • CM 493 Specialized Study

    Offered occasionally to provide in-depth study in a topic in Christian Ministry not covered in regularly scheduled courses.

    Prerequisite: 6 credit hours of Christian Ministry