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Living Out Faith Through Education: Meet Jill Harder

Posted: September 16, 2022

As Christians, we are called to love one another and serve one another. A fundamental part of our journey is to use the gifts God has blessed us with to serve other people. When we serve one another, we are fulfilling one of the most important aspects of our faith: engaging in the Christian community.

Jill Harder (College) is passionate about helping others.  She is a dedicated student willing to get involved on campus, joyfully helping where she can.

As a Briercrest student, Jill engages with the community in various ways. Briercrest has provided her with many avenues to grow and serve, and Jill has taken advantage of multiple opportunities to get involved on campus and in the local community.

Throughout her time here, Jill has been a part of Briercrest's a cappella ensemble Resonant, which performs on campus and tours Western Canada. Jill is also a member of the Briercrest College Singers, which performs in local churches and at events throughout the year, including the annual Briercrest Christmas production, Voices from the Front (Remembrance Day production), and Opera Scenes. 

Additionally, she has served as a resident assistant in the high school and college dorms and is currently going into her second year as Vice President of Academics. Jill has also tutored Briercrest students and helped with worship when needed. Scorekeeping at volleyball games has also been one of her contributions to the Briercrest community. These opportunities have allowed Jill to develop leadership skills and gain valuable experience that has equipped her for her future career.

The Value of Education that Disciples

Briercrest has also helped Jill grow in her faith and better understand God's plan for her life, including her role in helping others do the same. We asked her how Briercrest's mission statement, "Educating disciples who equip the church and engage the world," has been reflected in her service to others and how she was served.

Educating disciples as the VP of Academics means that I equip my fellow students with tools and grace for themselves and their community. As we all work towards a common goal of growing in our Christlikeness through education. As an R.A., educating disciples is a consistent demand of integrity for myself and the refining power of God’s warmth through communication and gaining trust.

To Jill, the uniqueness of a Christian community makes Briercrest different from other institutions. She told us that being at Briercrest has given her such an "intense sense of ownership and belonging that I am overwhelmed with when I am here."

She followed with this inspiring story:

Sitting in Chapel the other day, soaking in the voices around me singing praises to our Father, I [felt] an immense joy to be a part of this place. It gives me such pride to claim these people as my family. That is something  very special about the body of Christ, and specifically about this particular body of believers. Briercrest does not simply “claim” to foster community; it magnificently overflows with it.

Jill's experience is an incredible example of what it looks like to be a faithful follower of Christ and to serve, learn, and worship with other believers. Briercrest is so blessed to have her as part of our community!

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Briercrest in a Word: Empowering

And finally, we asked Jill for one word she would use to describe her Briercrest experience so far, to which she answered, “empowering.” This one word describes Briercrest's atmosphere perfectly. At Briercrest, we want our students to feel empowered in their academics, spiritual growth, and personal development because we know that those who feel empowered can reach new levels. When students feel like they are part of a community that supports and believes in them, they can thrive inside and outside the classroom. As a Christian school, Briercrest offers students a high-quality education embedded in the bible and encased in a supportive environment. We know when students have access to both, they will be well-equipped to impact the world positively.
Thank you, Jill, for sharing your Briercrest story and everything you do! We are excited to see how God continues to use you here at Briercrest and beyond.