Don Taylor, DTh
Assistant Professor of Old Testament

Do the best you can with the time you have available. Don’t do your work fueled by anxiety and fear, but work with faith and thankfulness. It’s all about perspective.
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Don Teaches:
- Old Testament Narratives
- Hebrew
- Wisdom Literature
Teaching Philosophy
My natural disposition toward my students is a pastoral one. As I begin each class I look upon the faces of my students and my fundamental concern is for their spiritual well-being. I feel that life is filled with trials and instability, so I want to encourage and build their faith in God such that they can navigate life with confidence and hope fueled by the power of the Holy Spirit. The tone that I try to set in the classroom is a reverent one that seeks to honor God in pursuit of wisdom and growth. Therefore, prayer at the beginning of class is essential to set the tone of dependence upon God and it signals to them my care for their lives and their learning. As I teach, I consistently want to give them greater confidence in God and his ability to lead them through life and into eternity. As I personally seek to exalt God and grow in submission and wisdom, I hope that this encourages them in the same direction.
Expanded version
Don grew up in Ontario, and after high school and some job experience, he joined the RCMP and was stationed in B.C. Don married Tracy and they raised two children, Brad and Katie. After ten years in the RCMP and six years of youth ministry in local churches, Don came to Briercrest to study. While studying at both the college and seminary and taking on the task of policing in Caronport, Don was hired to teach part-time for the college and has been doing so for over 15 years. Through this time, he completed a doctoral degree with the University of South Africa, writing his dissertation entitled: A Narrative Critical Analysis of Korah's Rebellion in Numbers 16 and 17. Don has also traveled to Israel and was part of organizing two academic study tours to the Holy Land in 2009 and 2011. Don has served in academic administration as a Dean of Faculties and the Dean of the College role in most recent years.
DTh (Old Testament), University of South Africa, 2010
MDiv, Briercrest Biblical Seminary, 1998
MA, Briercrest Biblical Seminary, 1997
BA, Briercrest Bible College, 1995